Sydney Uni signs up to sip sustainably in 2022
Jan. 3, 2022
Sydney Uni signs up to sip sustainably
Yes folks, ring the bell. The big guns are jumping aboard. The University of Sydney is partnering with us to stop as many as 35,000 single-use cups per WEEK from going to landfill.
Huge news for us. Massive news for Camperdown campus goers – who’ll be able to reuse the easy way on and off campus. And, of course, stellar news for the planet!
If we spoke turtle, we’re sure we’d get a high five from the Loggerheads, the Leatherbacks and the Green Turtles, who’ve been known to cruise the waters of Sydney Harbour. Each of these species of sea turtle has suffered population declines as a result of marine pollution. And we know single-use coffee cups, in particular, are disastrous for turtles.
When the pretty design fades, and the paper washes away… all that’s left of your single-use coffee cup is a plastic membrane that looks all too much like a tasty jellyfish.
‘Bruh, that last jelly was a mistake.’
Today, the Loggerhead and the Leatherback are endangered, while the Green Turtle is listed as vulnerable.
So, to put it mildly, we’re PUMPED to have one of Australia’s largest universities in league with us. And we’re super determined to keep working with the university sector to get more and more uni students ‘drinking responsibly’ (Ba-dum-Cha!).
The University of Sydney is the third university to join the fight against single-use coffee cups with us. The University of Queensland joined in 2019 and Queensland University of Technology (QUT) came aboard in July this year.
But today, we’re focusing the love on USYD. Thank you, USYD. Mad respect.
With Green Caffeen in place come February, and a number of other eco-friendly initiatives on the go, the University is well on the way to achieving its goal of sending ZERO waste to landfill by 2030.
This is how it works, folks!
If you think your uni should get with the program, hit that share button.