Firstly, to address the question on most of your minds, ‘How did you come up with the name The Giggling Goat?’ Well do I have a story for you... The legend has it that a goat herder named Kaldi first discovered the potential of our beloved coffee beans after he noticed his goats frolicking and full of energy after eating the red fruit of the coffee shrub. Kaldi tried the fruit for himself and had a similar reaction, prompting the discovery of coffee. So, energetic/ frolicking goats = giggling goats! And there you have it!
At the Giggling Goat we know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and are here to help you do it right. Jump off the bus at Dicky beach, walk 50 meters and enjoy our lovely service and fine food. At the Giggling Goat Emporium everyone is welcome! So come and enjoy our goatishly good coffee and brilliant breakfast!
Scan, swap, drink, return. Green Caffeen is a reusable coffee cup system for eco-focused cafes and coffee lovers across Australia. Cafes love it, coffee drinkers dig it and the planet high fives you for it.